Information for Lenders, Realtors and Title Companies

Assessments: $1.00 monthly/ $12.00 annually

2021 HOA Membership Dues: $20.00

Assessments and Membership Dues are due June 1st.

Statement of Account Fee: $15.00

** HOA Members will receive one free Statement of Account annually, upon request.

Title Transfer Fee: $35.00

Subordination Agreement Fee: $250.00

**Title Companies should inform lender that GGA covenants are not subordinate to lien.

Resale Certificate Fee: $80.00

**Resale Certificate Fee must be paid in advance or upon receipt of Resale Certificate.

Expedition Fee: $75.00

**If the HOA is able to accommodate document requests made less than 3 business days in advance of when the documents are to be delivered, the HOA will charge an Expedition Fee that is due upon delivery of the document.

Document Revision Fee: $50.00

**Charged for making changes to documents that were recently requested and paid for provided the change is not due to HOA error. HOA reserves the right to charge the revision fee or require payment for a new document.

In order to request a Statement of Account for a property owner or request any of the documents referenced above, please direct request to

All Payments must be directed to: GGA Homeowners Association, Inc.

P.O. Box 14

Rio Medina, TX 78066